

We at BAWMN are delighted to announce that we are kicking off 2024 with a bang by establishing a CITE CLUB! Inspired by the Feminist Educators Against Sexism’s CITE CLUB, numerous studies have established that academic articles written by women receive fewer citations than those of men across a range of academic fields. Other studies have demonstrated that social media helps to increase citations. We invite you to submit citations for and links to exemplary work of women in biological anthropology to support our CITE CLUB social media feed. Here we’re flipping the script: the first rule of CITE CLUB will be to talk about CITE CLUB. Please encourage others to submit, amplify, and share their own best work too! 

BA WMN Social Media Suggestion Form

If you want to share something with the BAWMN audience via our social media platforms (e.g., news stories, new publications, field schools, upcoming conferences/workshops, etc.), please fill out this form and we’ll spread the word on twitter, etc.!

BA WMN Member Profiles

As of this month, October 2023, BAWMN has begun posting monthly Member Profiles. The first of these profiles features founder member Dr. Tanya Smith! Please click the above link to read about Dr. Smith and stay tuned for a new profile every month! If you’d like to nominate a member, or suggest a feature for the website, let us know.

BA WMN Website Launch

Just in time for its 10th Anniversary Celebration, BAWMN is proud to announce the launch of our new Web site. Expanding our Web presence is part of an effort to better connect our members and support the careers of women in biological anthropology.  Beginning with the Mentoring Circle Initiative and monthly Member Profiles, new features will be added in response to member demand. The BAWMN Steering Committee welcomes your suggestions.

Mentoring Circle Initiative

BAWMN is launching a semi-formal mentoring network designed to connect groups of women in biological anthropology (“circles”) with similar professional interests or goals. The goal of this program is to foster interaction outside of annual meetings and connect members through virtual mentoring opportunities.

BAWMN has chosen the group mentoring model because:

  1. No single mentor can fulfill all needs of a mentee.
  2. All members have equal power and investment in the relationship.
  3. All members benefit mutually.

BAWMN is creating a database of members interested in joining a mentoring circle.  Details on forming a mentoring circle, guidelines for holding virtual mentoring meetings, and opportunities to meet at the 2019 AAPA meetings are forthcoming.

The deadline to complete the membership survey is FEBRUARY 15, 2019.